Botton Clam UNI A4 model 414 - Folders with button holder for back projects 14 cmfor UNI A4 sheets or a maximum size of 33 x 23 cmMATERIAL: Fibrox embossed cardboard.Botton Clam containers are equipped with four buttons for closing; they
are used to store UNI A4 sheets or in the maximum size of 33..
Model 14
format 24.5x 24 cm hole on the long side
MATERIAL: cardboard tenacious
PACKAGING: bundles of 20 pieces
Divide the contents of the wallet in alphabetical order. Available in size 24.5 x 24 cm hole on the long side.
Sequence subdivision:
A | B | C | DE | F | G | HIJ | KL | ..
Container for documents with a characteristic closed Tic-Tuc, accompanied by label holder for displaying the content.For A4 sheets without holes. format 36x26 cm 8 cm backMATERIAL: Clampell...
Botton Clam UNI A4 model 420 - Folders with button holder for back projects 20 cmfor UNI A4 sheets or a maximum size of 33 x 23 cmMATERIAL: Fibrox embossed cardboard.Botton Clam containers are equipped with four buttons for closing; they
are used to store UNI A4 sheets or in the maximum size of 33 ..